Why (NEIE) Northeast Institute of Evangelism?

The Northeast can be a lonely place when spreading the gospel of Christ…but then again, Jesus said that the laborers are few (cf. Luke 10:2). Can we help with the few? That’s our focus, consider a few reasons why NEIE came to fruition.

There is a great need for more personal teachers sharing the message of the cross. For way too long the church of our Lord has depended on too few to do too much. I know it wasn’t that way from the 40’s to the 70’s, but we’re not living in that time zone anymore. Evangelism needs teams of workers; the Lord said to pray for laborer(s) to enter into His harvest field. Our Lord developed a solid eleven. Paul had a team and stated that when each part is working properly—makes the body grow (cf. Col. 4:7ff; Eph. 4:16). The work necessary to help the lost move from a worldly perspective to a Jesus perspective takes more than several able folks. Having a few soul winners in a congregation helps the preacher with the labor of outreach, but it also helps the new Christians assimilate with their new community.

Secondly, brethren need to be trained on how to win souls. Abrasive ways of the past have left folks questioning our love for them. If we stand for His truth, we have to stand for the appropriate temperament while sharing (Eph. 4:15). Not only temperament, but the method some use of preaching at people without first setting up an open bible study has not been very effective. In other words, the best way for a precious soul to learn the truth is by letting the Holy Spirit speak through His word, with the teacher being a guide (Eph. 6:17; Acts 8:35). This way the student can discover for him/herself what the word teaches and retain more for sharing with someone else.

Thirdly, there is always a need for more Bible class teachers. It is a sad fact that year after year the same brethren will serve teaching a class, without ever getting a break, especially in our smaller congregations. Obviously, there is a great need for more qualified teachers. I started out teaching one on one studies before I ever taught a bible class. The practice helped me to gain some confidence, and later when I was called upon to teach a class I was not as intimidated.
These are just a few reasons why NEIE was established. We’ll touch on more benefits later…for now remember our Lord’s words to his apostles in the closing of Matthew’s gospel: “…teaching them to observe all I’ve commanded you, and lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” One of those all things includes outreach.

Friends, NEIE exists to help you develop that soul winner inside. Contact us! Because He Lives, in Christian love, RD (2 Tim. 2:2)